Staying Up to Burn Midnight Oil: My TOP 3

This was a phrase I remember using so often while studying cramming for tests and examinations. That last-minute spurt of motivation and enthusiasm to attempt to pass the test. If I ace it, it’s a bonus.

It simply means staying up late into the night, or wee hours of the morning (doing what i didn’t do earlier..hehhh). And, no no no… no flame or heat source required. Simply inhale, diffuse, and or apply as desired. 😉

And on hindsight, I do wish that I had knew about these handy essential oils then…

I know the year just started and most students are on a holiday-kind-of-mood; no imminent examinations on the horizon (I hope!). Anyway, it’s great knowledge to have about when to use the best and most appropriate oil to optimise and enhance one’s focus.

Well, I don’t think it harmful to know a little before it gets crucial…

So, my top 3 favourites when it comes to keeping awake and no late-night gaga over jokes and binge eating while having to keep my attention span and concentration going:

  1. Peppermint essential oil!  I simply love how this usually – i stress USUALLY – has me feeling instantly brighter and refreshed as though i just received nature’s loving ‘punch’ and my eyes open wider and keeps me going for at least the next half hour. IT’S LIKE COFFEE WITH STERIODS ALL IN ONE DROP! (Yes! I think immediately feel the effect of peppermint oil and generally may become overly excited and super enthusiastic!) And, why i say “usually” is because I have had an occasion or few when i was simply so zonked out and tired that all i really needed was forty winks or a good night’s sleep before waking the next morning to continue what I was up to.

2. Joy essential oil blend ^^v   This cute pink-coloured bottle really helps me feeling motivated and positive on completing the entire module before I head to bed — I tell you it’s a really great morale booster! Also helps to ease the tension and my stress. *sigh. Part of the pressures of living in Singapore and because of my tendency to leave things to the very last minute… hahaha. It also has a bright and cheery citrus scent and lovely rose in it which makes me love it so much it makes it into top 3 list!

3. Basil essential oil 🙂 But why??! Because it’s got antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiinflammatory, and antibiotic properties which helps keeps me healthy! If i get a little sneezy i find that it really helps my body survive and recover rapidly from any colds and flu. Also I strongly believe that it aids my memory in remembering and recalling what I am studying! Such a super win-win-win oil! Though the downside, is it can make me feel like having Italian food like pesto or pizza when I start to feel hungry.. Which may be a good sign after all that brain workout I get from reading and learning so intensively.

So, there we go 🙂 my top 3 favourite essential oils as Study Buddies and to maintain my attention and concentration. I hope they benefit you too!!