Pains & Ailments & Blessings

Most times i think this is what i mostly notice and remember…

My typical working day is such: alarm rings and I groan in bed dreading the day. I feel my aches from the previous day of work – stiffness in my shoulders and neck – or perhaps from how I slept. I vaguely remember snoozing the alarm a gizillion times until my hand gets so tired from stretching… I leave it to ring. Such morning noise. Reminds me of the work that awaits. Until my handphone alarm sounds to tell me to prepare to leave my home.

I immediately make my lazy way to roll off my bed and change into my work clothes. Accidentially stubbing my toes against the foot of my bed; oh! Lightning sharp pain awakens me

After calming down enough, I have a quick wash up with that cold tap water that i hope helps tighten my pores to give me more flawless skin (hahaha). Then grabbing a few slices of bread in my box and filled water bottle (prepared the night before), attempt to push them into my bag and getting annoyed by the fact that my bag is so full and heavy. Hurriedly slip into my socks and shoes, and RRRUUUUNNNNN!!!!!!

Oh. And I forgot to lock the door. Sighhh. …….

Catch the crowded bus – hope for a space on it and secretly wishing that I somehow get avoided like the black plague while my morning sinus attacks and I appear like a sniffy-nosed flu carrier so that nobody squashes their bodies against me. I have to breathe and I surely don’t appreciate smelling other than essential oils. *snickering. And commute usually uneventfully with traffic jams to work.

Okay maybe I’ll just share this much.

Hmmm… I feel that from above, I utterly FAILED to count my Blessings.

Alright.. give myself some credit – I do usually sleep fairly well, am alive and kicking (maybe that’s why I keep stubbing my toes and fingers against objects and bumping into items)… the pains reminds me that I can feel and my nerves work. Thankfully I usually have breakfast in my bag, manage to catch and board a bus, and have uneventful mornings.


I think we all have good days and bad days. And just like black and white I think it’s how we see colours / perceive our day and experiences. Oh yes I know; black and white are NOT colours. My bad. I only wanted a simple way to illustrate a point.

Like pleasure and pain. No no no not fifty shades of grey. *blushing madly. I mean the opposite / dual feelings of being human. With the ache in my shoulders and neck, I feel the pain but I get reminded to readjust my posture whenever I notice. And when the aches fade away, I hardly am aware until the next time I mechanically retrieve my homemade pain relief essential oil blend from my bag to apply during my lunch break. And I inwardly cheer with glee as I then notice that there’s no pain or aches in my shoulders and neck! Hahaha.

I have been doing my best to have a better attitude towards my day and life events. Trying my best to be a better version of myself.

And I can probably go on talking about myself more but I think I had in mind to share 2 things:

  1. My Homemade Pain Relief Blend recipe, and
  2. Method I use (once I’m at work) to clear symptoms of my morning sinus

Yeps. 🙂


All-natural ingredients, good for relief of pain, muscle aches, sore muscles after physical activity, chronic pain, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis.

  • 60 ml or 2 oz glass bottle (either roller or reducer are fine depending on your preference)
  • Jojoba oil (or your prefered choice of carrier oil) – i use jojoba because i think my sensitive skin likes it
  • Following essential oils: Basil, Wintergreen, Peppermint, Clove, Lemongrass, Copaiba, Vanilla

Drip into the empty glass bottle:

12 drops Basil and peppermint essential oils

10 drops Wintergreen essential oil

9 drops Clove essential oil

7 drops Lemongrass essential oil (increase to 12 drops if using this blend for chronic joint and ligament issues)

1-3 drops Vanilla essential oil

1 drop Copaiba essential oil

Top the rest of the bottle with jojoba oil, cap it and mix/shake. Apply twice a day, or as needed, and enjoy!

To me, it smells mostly of basil and wintergreen. Towards the end of the day on my journey home, my nose ocassionally catches a whiff of the sweet and subtle scent of vanilla which I really enjoy too!

And the method I use to clear my morning sinus… I use Kapalabhati Kriya a.k.a. Forehead Shining Cleansing Techinque. Google it 😉

Please be kindly informed to seek professional medical advise should your symptoms of pain be unbearable. I’m only sharing what really helps myself and my family!

Take care & till next time!