Releasing & Letting Poo Go

An important part of your wellness is excreting what your body no longer needs.

When whatever that’s no longer needed is released, your body gets more space within.

And we all know that healing has been known to occur best with when space is available.

Maybe someone you know or yourself have been experiencing lesser physical activity from staying at home? (I know I have been.) And, it’s likely that staying at home would have reduced your physical energy expenditure and movements.

Your physical movements can help a lot with stimulating your internal movement called peristalsis, which supports your digestive heath. Peristalsis helps with pushing digesting and digested food through your digestive tract. Moving this food through you helps with increasing space within your body…

How so?

Well, at the end of it all, peristalsis most importantly helps you to push your waste (a.k.a. poo) out.

Sometimes poo can feel ‘stuck’.

And, if you or someone you know have ever felt this discomfort before, here’s a series steps that can be attempted to help your poo out (pun intended):

1) Apply a drop of Di-Gize essential oil onto tummy area. Dilute with carrier oil for sensitive skin.

2) Rub in circular motion in direction of how bowels move through your large intestine. Refer to picture below on this post.

3) Massage a drop a Fennel or Peppermint essential oil onto the side of your index finger. Refer to picture below on this post.

Repeat 2-3 times a day until you’re feeling better 

OilisWell FB Posts (9)

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I have been experiencing stomach pains.

I will summarise because i wish to not dwell too long on this.

Actually, this goes way back to few years ago when I was working in a high stress and time pressured workplace. I would experience nausea, sometimes dizziness, loss of appetite, stomach/abdomen discomforts, my gag reflexes will come on and off… it was really uncomfortable and disruptive to my daily life.

I attributed it to stress and stressors. But till today, i confess that i have not yet dared to see a doctor. Well, i work closely alongside them – and no offense but i don’t feel that i can put my trust in their … medicine. I know this can be touche.

Anyway, i turned to essential oils without knowing much about them a few years back.

I started drinking lemon water. Really water with lemon slices in them. And i felt that they really helped with my digestion and digestive fire.

Today, i found and use Digize and it has been helping me quell my nausea and helps my body return to optimal digestion within a week 🙂

I am thankful and glad.

Meanwhile, i shall simply rely on Digize essential oil blend at times.

I have to admit that i have a rather strong fear of possible human errors during an endoscope and possibility of positive/outstanding medical findings… :/ What to do?